Q1. What is OMYID?

ANS: OMYID stands for Online My Identity. When you will sign up with OMYID you will get your personal identity website and blog. You could create daily posts on blog and share your thoughts to world.

Q2. What is OMYID Name?

ANS: When you create an account with OMYID, you will be asked an OMYID Name; you have to choose your OMYID Name, which will be your personal website e.g. ashoksingh.omyid.com in this ashoksingh is OMYID name. You could choose your OMYID in your choice by nick name or any name which you want to make your personal identity. Once OMYID name selected it could not be changed.

Q3. What is 10-digit Referrer OMYID Number?

ANS: When you create an account with OMYID, you will be asked 10-digit referrer OMYID Number. If any people directly refer OMYID then his 10 digit OMYID number is your referrer number. Suppose you directly visited OMYID through any other mode, you could register yourself without referrer number.

Q4. What is 10–digit OMYID number?

ANS: When you will create your account with OMYID, you will get a 10-digit OMYID number. You could use that number and start referring others and start earning money as per earning policy.